
Another of my interest lies in ‘time’. I believe that time is a vector movement of any kind of energy. (I call it vector as it is anyhow directional.) It can be moving electricity through synapse from A to B, cell growth of cancer from size 1 to 1.00001, or a water flow from a tap to the ground. The last is by a known force of gravity, but the foundational force behind the other two is unknown at least to me. Anyway, things are moving (which includes the concept of changing that is also by other types of movement at the atomic level such as expansion) to their own direction by underlying force. That energy move in a holistic view is what we conceptualized as time.

Then, what is the opposite side of time? It is a stopped moment of everything which doesn’t have any kind of energy movement, therefore no ‘time’ exists. There is no reversing way of time because time per se represents the energy flow. Even though the energy direction is reversed, it still moves, only towards another direction, hence in the frame of time. For example, A and B are running forward, and B suddenly changes its direction to backward, or A and B together start to run backward. That doesn’t change the state that time is running (forward). No matter how we try to warp it, time is running and will continue to run (if anyone importunately inquires, yes, only in one direction) as long as any life is alive by energy flow. There is no reverse. (When there is no living thing, still time will be there but it will become just meaningless.)

내가 옳은 한 가지가 있으면, 내가 틀린 백 가지가 있다. 그런데 사람은 내가 옳은 것만 보고 내가 틀린 것은 직시하지 않는다.
그렇게, 지극히 틀린 사람은 곧 잘 옳은 사람이 된다.
세상을 누구보다 똑바로 보고 있는 것 같은 그 느낌은, 자기 자신조차 제대로 보지 못하는 장님이라는 증거.
나는 밝은 눈을 가졌는가 눈 뜬 봉사인가.


모든 것에서 떠나
처참하게 홀로 남겨진 때에야
비로소 보이기 시작한다
길고 긴 혼자만의 시간 공간 생각
그 아주 깊은 끝 나락에 닿으면
내가 보인다
남이 보인다
남이 된 내가 보인다
돌고 도는 세상의 이치는 여기서 시작이다

나는 죄인이다
나는 남이 되어 내 죄를 짊어진다
남의 죄가 보이는 것은 그것이 내 죄임이고
남의 죄를 탓하는 것은 내 죄에 무게를 더함이다

남을 용서함은 나를 용서함이고
남을 사랑함은 나를 사랑함이다
그래서 예수님은 모두 한 몸인 우리에게
용서하고 사랑하라 하신다

결국 내가 가진 죄는 예수님 없이 씻어낼 수 없기에
내 죄를 품고
예수님을 품는다

나는 삶의 미소를 얻었다


“The whole set of synapses in the brain creates a map, of how all neurons are connected and interact with each other. This map is completely flexible: it changes every day. Every minute connections are created, some others are lost, the brain is in a constant state of change, which makes it very hard to study. This is why synaptic pruning is so important. It is a period of time between childhood and puberty in which a large amount of synaptic connections are pruned like bush branches. Unfortunately, neither the mechanisms nor the reason why this happens is clear yet. However, synaptic pruning seems necessary for brain development and many studies have limited it to mental disorders.” – ‘The glue of the brain: the great unknown’ in Neuroscience Unlimited, by Ines Gallego Landin (an article inquiring whether brain networks are really connected through neuron or glial cells’ transmission + varieties of glial cells and their role)

Mac Point > new experience/interface > expand the range of thoughts one can think (Thought as a Technology, Nov 2016, Michael Nielsen)
iphone > new experience/interface > expand variables one can do
Good innovation comes by newness, with expanding possibilities, opening up freedom of users.

Intelligence & Creativity
If intelligence is a selecting skill, including (data) analysis and evaluation, creativity is a connecting skill, by data(memory) collecting and linking. When the creativity happens in brain, linking perception and memory or emotion and expression, we might have individually disparate strategy, such as generating image, melody, or movement, or verbal conceptualizing, etc. However, as an output, when we shape the creativity, as a mean of communication, in any purpose, it passes through ‘intelligence(selection)’ area, ended up in compromised language. This may cause integral connection between creativity and intelligence.
q. Then, how can creativity be measured more acutely, accurately, and separately? – thoughts after Skype chat with prof. Roger Beaty

Idea: Education

We formerly had subject-based education system. It was divided like literature, science, mathematics, geography, philosophy, psychology, art, and so on. What if we categorize the courses such as, ‘New methodology’, ‘Defining process’, ‘Shape shifting’, ‘Rebellious critics’, or ‘What if’, ‘How does it’, ‘Why it was’? Afterwards, student find their specific interest and create group to study or to develop thoughts, etc.

(by a conversation with J.)


There are two multi-dimensional universes, one we are living in, and one in the brain.


The reason why there is no significant differences of neurological system between artist and non-artist may be that the artistic creativity matters to multidimensional paring and the frequency rather than volume or region of the brain. (thoughts on a Frontier paper of Zaidel(2013))

Hitherto neuroscience conceptualized the brain in 2 dimensionally. Formerly scientists inquired what is BEING there, and what it is DOING. Recently many studies are focusing on how/why it associate. My hypothesis on the intercommunication of unconsciousness and consciousness infers a new point of view of 3 dimensional structure. (inspired by a Science Direct paper by Roger Beaty, Paul Seli, Daniel Schacter(2018))

For ‘Design Thinking’, does more number of practice improve the quality of creative thinking? Doesn’t critical and rebellious natural spirit drive unprecedented connection? (thoughts on a paper ‘Theoretical Foundations of Design Thinking’ about John. Arnold)

How to improve the creativity?
1. Talk to your brain often. For example, think about one topic while you are walking. Don’t struggle for a brilliant answer, but let your brain wonder and wander, and just listen to what your brain is talking freely.
2. Bother you brain often. For example, intentionally give new task such as memorize a telephone number, so the name directly gets linked to the number arrangement. Connecting a word to another form/number/object/rule/function/occasion, etc. Study a new field. If you are a scientist, you can start learning a cooking or music instrument, if you are an artist, you can start learning a science, engineering, tennis, etc.


Unconsciousness: a concept that can be acknowledged by self but cannot be controlled, a mental realm which is out of conscious cognition of its function, role, or activity. According to my hypothesis, we are getting signals from unconsciousness unceasingly, even when the conscious cognition is also doing so. Once the consciousness, which is dominant most of the time, allows the signals from the other side, it can put those is match between perceptive information and the underlying memory. The conscious mind can find a new connected concept through this process if it finally meets up with the needs or catches attention for any reason, and becomes creativity. Unconscious information may be stored in the same area that conscious memories or it doesn’t make any evidence for its presence, but in any case, unconscious memory has more quantity that we suspect or imagine and stalks in mind. Dream may be a sort of a power-game between conscious mental awareness and unconscious one for achieving dominancy in one body and mind. Otherwise, the drowsiness is caused by a great amount of inflow of information from unconsciousness, in order to persevere the operation. However, if this balance became abnormal and consciousness lacks substantiality, it can be classified into mental diseases such as autism or schizo.

q. What if we can fully understand and track down the mutual transmission of consciousness and unconsciousness?

q. Is the word ‘unconsciousness’ appropriate to this condition? any other term?

+ Animal dreams as well. I saw cats and dogs dream, think, decide, which I think implies the existence of unconsciousness, but it seems the absence of semantic language restrained the depth of thinking, confusing signal from unconsciousness with instinctive urge. One paper I read recently said that none of animal can synthesise several thoughts into one.

Art and language

It was told that human coincidently achieved the lingual communication skill in evolutionary history(Brain and Neuron, 2018). In other words, some parts of brain neurons happened to be activated, different from any other animal, and it awoke the latent capability of human language.

q. What if it was not a coincidence, but human nature had language skill that none of other animals had from the beginning? Even though it was discovered that animals have their own language in different form or method, the complexity of human language is still unmatchable.

q. The artistic creativity is based on the human ability of communication through pictorial artifact. I assume that human skill in understanding mutual knowledge, making a coherent symbol, encrypting what’s in mind enabled both character-based language and art creation regardless of regional culture. Then, is there any common denominator in neural operation between language and art?

(Thoughts inspired by a paper ‘Creativity, brain and art(Zaidel, 2014)’)

q. Also, didn’t the art develop language as the language flourished the art?

In my experience, a small clue grows up into creative idea through the communication. Moreover, I think the communication can be internal way. It was helpful for me to ask myself what, why, how, etc. and find the answer, amplifying memory network. Writing note or a diary might be good.

+ My brain is pretty chatty. Sometimes, especially when I am reading something, my mind rambles and I feel like I have ADHD. What if this kind of arbitrary mind drives creativity, not just distraction? Isn’t this tumultuous mind caused by a conflict between me which is interpreting perceptual information and me which is blabbing everything in memory? If this phenomenon gets extreme and external, in a power game, can it be compared to schizophrenia? Is there a study about correlation between socially refined me and internally erupting me which is relevant to many mental diseases? Isn’t it related to the reason why mentally ill people still can produce creative art?

Creative Thinking

Comparing a new sensory input with former empirical memory causes emotion in amygdala of the brain. Then, aren’t the inputs coming to certain area from both the sensory neurons and the brain’s memory repository? What if several of randomly selected brain-sending information create connection between distant memories and bring creative thinking when it gets recognised through consciousness?

+ ‘Time’ recognised by the brain is unequal to the one perceived by consciousness. – Brain can be influenced by an image exposed only for 0.035sec, which cannot be caught by consciousness. Is it proper to call it unconscious perception? Aren’t we conscious at the moment? Don’t we need more terminology than just freudian conscious/unconscious discrimination?